
Nursing and Midwifery Council Elections

In accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Act 1997, elections are held every three years in October or November, or when necessary to replace a vacancy in an elected appointment.

Notice of date for accepting NominationsElection date and Nomination forms will be circulated electronically to registrants and will be available on the Bermuda Nursing and Midwifery Council (BNMC) website, a minimum of eight (8) weeks prior to the elections.

  • Nurses, Midwives and Nursing associates who reside in Bermuda, currently registered with Bermuda Nursing Council (BNMC) and have practiced nursing or midwifery in Bermuda for a minimum of three years are eligible for nomination. N.B. Midwife representative is appointed by the Minister after consultation with registered midwives.
  • Current registrants with BNMC residing in Bermuda may vote in the election.
  • Completed Nomination forms will be accepted (electronically or delivered) at BNMC’s office no later than the date noted on the form.
  • Nominees will be invited to submit their profile and photo (optional).
  • Name along with profile of nominees will be circulated electronically to registrants’ and will be available at the polling station/s.
  • Location of Polling station, hours of opening and closing shall be determined by BNMC and shall be no less than eight (8) hours in one day. Registrants will be notified of location and hours of operation.
  • Where there is an uncontested nominee in a category, the nominee by acclaim shall be the designate.
  • Returning Officer will supervise the election process.
  • Voting will be by secret ballot.
  • Registrants must present ID (BNMC issued card, copy of registration letter or photo ID) to the Returning Officer.
  • At the close of voting. Returning officer and no less than two other persons (not candidates) will count the votes.
  • Results shall be communicated in the first instance to candidates, thereafter to registrants.
  • Elected candidates, nominee by acclaim (if any) shall be proposed to the Minister of Health for appointment to Council.
  • The new Council shall take effect once the Minister of Health has published the names.

Composition of Council

2 General Nurses (elected); 1 APN recommended by APNs; I Nurse Specialist (elected by nurse specialists); 1 member from the BNA (nominated by the BNA); 1 Midwife (appointed by Minister of Health) 1 Nursing Associate (elected); 1 person not a clinician (has ability to provide legal assistance) appointed by the Minister; 1 physician nominated by Medical Association; Chief Nursing Officer is exofficio.
