Practice Standards

Standards of Practice for Nurses, Midwives and Nursing Associates & Code of Conduct

These Standards describes what is expected of all nursing and midwifery professionals registered with the Bermuda Nursing and Midwifery Council (BNMC). They detail the principles and values on which good nursing and or midwifery practice is based. Additionally, BNMC in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, have developed Regulatory Criteria Policy and Prescribing Restrictions and Requirements for the Advanced Practice Nurse  who is registered in Bermuda

It is the individual’s responsibility to ensure he/she understands the contents of these guidelines and to follow them. These guidelines are not a statutory instrument and nurses practitioners must use judgment to apply the principles to the unique circumstances of each case he/she will face and is accountable for his/her actions.

These standards are addressed to nursing and Midwifery professionals and are also intended to let the public know what they can expect from professionals registered with BNMC.

Serious or persistent failure to follow this guidance may have consequences for your registration. In the Standards, the term “must” refers to a legislative or mandatory requirement reflecting the best practice standard supported by BNMC the term ͞”should” means the nurse may exercise reasonable discretion as the principle may not apply in all situations or circumstances.

Code of Professional Conduct

This Code of conduct applies to all nursing and Midwifery professionals in Bermuda and sets out the professional conduct and ethical values that every nursing and or midwifery professional must act upon and uphold.

Serious or persistent failure to follow this guidance may have consequences for your registration.
